The Most Reverend Stephen J. Berg | The Pueblo Chieftain | March 20, 2021

bishop bergThis past year we have experienced the deadly effects of a pandemic, and each of us has suffered anxiety, isolation, and the passing of loved ones. We are most certainly ready for it to be over. For those who have pursued the spiritual journey with renewed vigor, this year has seen a deepening of faith. However, far too many have lost the rhythm of regular worship. The personal encounter with Christ, the Eucharist, is in danger of becoming a distant memory.

We actually began our Lenten journey one year ago, and today are well into the present 40-day liturgical cycle. Our prayer, fasting and works of charity should take on new meaning this year. The joy of Easter lies ahead! It is time to awaken, reach out to our neighbor and come back to Mass!

As the source and summit of our Faith, the Eucharist is the center of our lives. In the extraordinary donation of His Precious Body and Blood, Jesus is our lifeline. He changes us. We all have—and are—stories of faith, and the Eucharist takes hold and transforms our story into His Story, the Story of Salvation. There are no other means by which we this change, or this lifeline can be grasped, than by the power of the Eucharist.

On Good Friday we will hear the Gospel of John, the Passion of Jesus Christ. In the beginning of the reading, Jesus is betrayed by Judas and arrested. As he is interrogated by his persecutors, he makes a remarkable statement which is addressed to his Father. “I have not lost any of those you gave me.” (Jn 18:9) As Jesus begins his journey into the valley of death, he thinks first of us. He has not lost us. However, it is easy for us to lose him.

Our parishes are providing Masses to accommodate our needs for worship, and to ensure that our safety concerns are addressed. It is time to make an appointment to meet Jesus at Mass. He will be there. He will be there with choirs of Angels and Saints, in humble power and service. If the Sunday Mass is already filled, you can make plans to attend one of the weekday celebrations. Let’s not celebrate another Lent without the Eucharist, our personal encounter with Christ!

As we now march towards Easter, let your prayer, fasting and works of charity be directed to our joyful return. Reach out to your neighbor in charity and bring them back home. May Our Lord bless you and your families through these times.

The horizon opens, heaven dawns, and the road to Easter lies ahead!

The Most Reverend Stephen J. Berg is the fifth bishop of the Diocese of Pueblo.

Bible Verse for Today

Now the men to feed there numbered about five thousand, Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Have them sit down in groups of about fifty.”
Then taking the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, he said the blessing over them, broke them and gave them to the disciples to set before the crowd.
They all ate and were satisfied. And when the leftover fragments were picked up, they filled twelve wicker baskets.

– Matthew 14:13-21, Mark 6:34-44, Luke 9:14-17, John 6:1-15

Come Join Our Parish!

Want to become a member of our Parish? Click HERE to download our registration form. Fill the form out, print and bring it to our office during office hours or any mass on the weekends. Call if you have any questions.


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Click below to search Mass times and Catholic churches near you.

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Parish Office

Wanting to leave a Mass Intention for a loved one? Looking to sign up to make your First Communion? Be a part of the parish's High School Confirmation class I and II or do want to join our Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A) program? Give us a call and we will be glad to get you signed up

Parish Office
1145 S. Aspen Road
Pueblo, CO 81006
8 a.m. to 3 p.m. (Mon.- Thurs.)
8 a.m. to 12 p.m. (Fri.)


Shirts & Scarves

St. Joseph Council of Catholic Women have shirts and scarves available for their members. Stop by to see Josie Marrufo in the Parish Office or call her at 719-544-1886 (ext. 100).

Shirt prices: (S/M/L/XL $7.00)
(2XL $9.00) (3XL $11.00)
Blue Scarves: ($5.00)

Quinceanera Information

If you are planning a Quinceanera the requirements are:

  • the young lady be registered in Religious Ed and must have attended classes the year prior.
  • Must attend class with Maria Cornejo with explanation of what the Quinceanera celebration is about

Please contact the office to register 719-544-1886.

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