People attending service at St. Joseph Catholic Church will come across a different set of choirs that aid the congregation in sung prayer during liturgies during each of it's four masses. The choirs are led by Marcos LeBlanc the music ministry director of St. Joseph's.

The church has four choirs: St. Cecilia, Spirit, Children's Choir of Light and High School. The St. Cecilia choir is the parish's traditional choir and sings hymns from the Breaking Bread Book. They perform on Saturday evening at the 4:30 p.m., mass as well as the 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., mass on Sunday morning.

The Spirit Choir sings hymns of contemporary music. They sing at the 11 a.m., mass and sing songs from many well known Catholic composers such as Steve Angrisano, Paul Baloche and Matt Maher to name a few.

The Children's Choir of Light sings at masses designed for kids of our parish while the High School Choir....



About the Music Ministry Director - Marcos LeBlanc

Marcos LeBlanc is a singer, songwriter, and educator hailing from the mountains of southern Colorado. A lifelong musician, his artistic versatility and his passion for teaching make him a dynamic worship leader, an insightful teacher of musicians both in lessons and in the church, and an engaging youth minister.

Marcos is an accomplished vocalist, pianist, and guitarist; he has a BA in Music Education from Adams State University, where he was actively involved both as a performer and a music minister for Newman masses for six years.

When he's not serving the Church, Marcos can be found leading high school band rehearsals at his day job, tying the perfect bow tie, or sniffing out the best Chai latte in town.

Marcos is available as a musician for weddings, funerals, youth ministry events, and clinics for church musicians. He is also the leader for the High School Confirmation I and II classes for the parish.



Come Join Our Parish!

Want to become a member of our Parish? Click HERE to download our registration form. Fill the form out, print and bring it to our office during office hours or any mass on the weekends. Call if you have any questions.


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Music Ministry Leaders

  • Marcos Le Blanc
  • Katrina Dankert
  • Jessica Gables
  • Kennedy Pugh
  • Patti Pugh
  • Rita Granato

Shirts & Scarves

St. Joseph Council of Catholic Women have shirts and scarves available for their members. Stop by to see Josie Marrufo in the Parish Office or call her at 719-544-1886 (ext. 100).

Shirt prices: (S/M/L/XL $7.00)
(2XL $9.00) (3XL $11.00)
Blue Scarves: ($5.00)

Quinceanera Information

If you are planning a Quinceanera the requirements are:

  • the young lady be registered in Religious Ed and must have attended classes the year prior.
  • Must attend class with Maria Cornejo with explanation of what the Quinceanera celebration is about

Please contact the office to register 719-544-1886.

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