Fr. Chuck Huck Holds Lenten Mission at St. Joseph
"How to take Sunday into the rest of your week… "

The Rev. Chuck Huck is a widower who found his vocation to the priesthood later in life. Rev. Huck, who is the pastor of St. Phillips Catholic Church in Bemidji, MN.

Fr. Chuck was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Crookston in 2006. Fr. Chuck has seven children (three of which were adopted) and 14 grandchildren. After his wife, Valerie, died in 2000 of ovarian cancer; he felt a renewed call to the priesthood. Father has baptized many of his grandchildren, heard their first reconciliations, celebrated First Eucharist, welcomed a daughter-in-law into the church, and officiated at two of the weddings of his children.

Prior to priesthood Fr. Huck was involved with the management of a chain of motels, a telephone company, a janitorial service and ownership of an electrical contracting firm. The years of working with others while being active in parish life at St Francis De Sales parish in Moorhead MN, has been very beneficial in his second career.

God blesses each of us with gifts and asks us to use them in daily life. Being a good steward of the gifts is important in family, parish and community life. Currently serving as Pastor: St Philips Church and School in Bemidji, Holy Spirit Newman Center, and St Charles Pennington, provides Father with opportunities to be a steward of the gifts God has given him.

He seeks to actively help others use the gifts God has given them. A favorite saying is: “I loved being married and I love being a priest.” God provides the opportunity to work with individuals and families in times of need. A major goal is to be working not for, but with the people of God. That means meeting them where they are in both their sorrows and their joys. Sharing life with others is important especially when working with marriage prep, married couples, and families strengthening their communication skills.


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Shirts & Scarves

St. Joseph Council of Catholic Women have shirts and scarves available for their members. Stop by to see Josie Marrufo in the Parish Office or call her at 719-544-1886 (ext. 100).

Shirt prices: (S/M/L/XL $7.00)
(2XL $9.00) (3XL $11.00)
Blue Scarves: ($5.00)

Quinceanera Information

If you are planning a Quinceanera the requirements are:

  • the young lady be registered in Religious Ed and must have attended classes the year prior.
  • Must attend class with Maria Cornejo with explanation of what the Quinceanera celebration is about

Please contact the office to register 719-544-1886.

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