Bishop Stephen J. BergWith the celebration of Palm Sunday, we have now arrived at the beginning of Holy Week. We may have been faithful to our Lenten observances, and we may have wavered. As we follow Jesus in his journey, we meet many people such as us. The Stations of the Cross are not merely a road of brutal suffering leading to impending doom. There are sudden moments of insight which pierce the darkness and point to an overarching spiritual reality. This involves us.
Into the Stations of the Cross: Jesus meets his mother, Mary. What thoughts might they have shared? Her heart had been pierced by a sword, as Simeon foretold. As only mothers can understand, she will be crucified with the only one she knows best in the world. Within hours, at the foot of the cross, she will be commended as mother to all. Which of the two, mother or son, speaks first at this time?
Simon, a Jewish bystander who has come from Cyrene to celebrate the Passover, is pressed into service by the Romans. We don’t know how willingly he accepted the demands to help Jesus carry the cross, but, at least for a little while, Simon helped. As bystanders, do we accept the demands imposed when called, willingly or unwillingly, even for a little while, to help others?
What of the Roman soldiers, driving an innocent man to his death? They’ve families and hopes for their futures, and a terrible discipline of brutality to fulfill. How must their cruelty against this innocent man, Jesus, be hardening their hearts? Or are they being prepared for the dawning of a new faith? For one of them, a centurion, the proclamation of that new faith is imminent.
Then there are the sorrowful women of Jerusalem, one of whom, Veronica, wipes the face of Jesus. How does it feel to confront the face of Jesus, the wounded face of God? What must it be like to soothe that suffering countenance? Our kindness to others may often seem meaningless. But do we realize that the Divine Mercy is actually the ever-flowing source of our compassion, however received? And thus, our consolation?
Lest we forget, those disciples most inspired by Jesus over their past three years of mission are now outside the scene, hiding in shame and fear. Those first called to the table, within hours of celebrating the Last Supper, have given in to betrayal and are undergoing a different, self-inflicted crucifixion. Except for St John, lasting to the foot of the cross. Do the others know where John is? Is he praying for them?
The Way of the Cross now approaches its final destination: the Resurrection. When we have made the intentional turn to follow Jesus, we become aware of our hidden agendas, distractions, needs, and concerns for those we love. In all the encounters described above there are no coincidences. All who encounter the suffering Jesus are invited into the mystery of salvation for a purpose. Some accept, some hesitate, some turn away. But God never turns away, and the arrow of light that pierces each heart will never be forgotten by any of them.
So it is with us: The Word of God, Jesus Christ, is alive. He offers forgiveness, healing, and life everlasting. We each carry a cross, that reality does not change. However, encountering Jesus through His Cross leads us to share in His Resurrection. May our celebration of Holy Week be so blessed, leading to a truly new experience of Easter!
Written by The Most Reverend Stephen J. Berg, the fifth bishop of the Diocese of Pueblo, for The Pueblo Chieftain